Monday, July 23, 2007

Friday = Me Day

Well last week was not the best, but still life moves onward.  Having pulled my finger out job hunting, I decided to have a bit of a "Me Day" on Friday (last chance to have to some fun that requires spending money).  I met up with an old friend (Tom) for lunch and whilst heading home got stranded, due to the local flooding which closed Shepherd's Bush down.

I decided to wait the water out in the cinema and went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Having read the book a few years ago and finding it the worst of the 6 so far (purely because it was all over the shop) I wasn't holding out much hope of an improvement over Goblet of Fire (my favourite of the films), but I was pleasantly surprised.  The book has been cut to ribbons and the plot that remains moves along quite fast and the action plays out well.

Not as good as GoF, but definitely worth a watch.  8/10.

After that I found that the water had receded enough for me to get home, which I duly did.

Given Serena's success on Wednesday and that we hadn't defrosted anything, I decided to order all of Serena's favourites from the local Chinese Takeaway.  The food was great and arrived spot on 7 pm as requested.  Unfortunately Serena got held up with a couple of major disasters at work and didn't get to eat hers until 10.30 pm!

Whilst waiting for Serena I watched Poseidon on Sky.  I thought that would be awful, and it wasn't!  Still only 6/10!  The original is way, way better!


GF said...

OK, first off I'm glad you've had some 'you'-time. I knew you had a significant knock last week and wanted to get in touch, but thought best to give you some time. I've kept an eye on the blog just to see if you were commenting / blogging or whatever. Good to see (read) you again mate.

Don't tell me about HP and the whatever of the whatevers. I am on book 4 - don't ask, and have managed to avoid SOO many spoilers (ie all except Dumbledumbs shuffling of this mortal coil). I read the first 3 books back to back and then needed a break.

That's typical for Friday night, but the thought was there and I hope S enjoyed the meal?

Do you remember I blogged about Posiedon about a year back? I watched it on my Archos one morning on the way to Leeds on the train. I rally liked it too, really watchable.

Think I'm off to see Transformers some point during the week!!! :))

Jase said...

Transformers does appeal, but the £6 outlay (London prices) doesn't atm. You'll need to give it a good write up!

PS I have all the HP audio books (Stephen Fry versions) if you prefer to listen over read.

GF said...

If you don't mind sending me the Order of the Phoenix (bk4) MP3s I'd appreciate it...

Jase said...

OotP is Book 5!