Thursday, July 20, 2006

I am my father's daughter, and I'm not afraid of anything.

I am running out of leading lady quotes fast!!!! This post would normally have gone on Rena's blog, but since it fits in with a good quote I thought I would post it here.

Two days running now we have gone to the park with Lauren after work. As Rena commented she is in full "mountaineering" mode now, climbing up and over anything in an attempt to stand upright.

Ravenscourt Park has plenty of pigeons and dogs to keep Lauren enthralled as well, however when Serena took her to see Jase & Charlotte's kitten (Rafferty) she was really scared. We think it is the way that he moves, as he is motionless and then suddenly jerks into motion, making her scream (which clearly makes him jump). We'll work on this, as I don't want Lauren to be scared of animals.

My Uncle and Cousin train race horses and my Uncle's brother runs a farm all in the same Yorkshire village, so I think we will have to take Lauren up there soon to see all the animals. Definitely next spring though, when the lambs, piglets and puppies are around and Lauren is that little bit bigger!


Jase said...

In reference back to my post on the Israel / Lebanon conflict, I found this an interesting read.

GF said...

This news clip is definitely worth watching too......kinda highlights the hole problem...

GF said...

Obviously I mean the 'holes' left by the rockets... :)