Thursday, September 11, 2008


Well we are back from Chicago and this is just a quick update before I try and relaunch my blog.
Lauren has had bad jet lag which has meant that Serena and I have really suffered for the last few nights. Finally she seems to be back in her routine as she slept through last night. Hopefully we will be able to catch up on some sleep now!
Chicago was great fun and I have to say that it is now my favourite place in the USA!
I took a few photos that evoked film memories! A quiz will follow once I tidy them up!
Beyond that I am back at work and the push to Christmas has begun and I am trying to reverse my holiday weight gain.
Next thing to look forward to is 31 Oct, but that will be a separate post!


GF said...

Let me see - how many John Landis movies can you spot in these photos?....

Glad you had a good time, and look forward to re-contact.


Jase said...

Nothing John Landis I am afraid. Just stuff that made me stop and go "Hang on a minute!".