Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Ave Satani

Ave Satani
Sanguis Bibimus
Corpus Edimus
Tolle Corpus Satani

Sanguis Bibimus
Corpus Edimus
Tolle Corpus Satani

Sanguis Bibimus
Corpus Edimus
Tolle Corpus Satani

Ave Versus Cristus
Ave Versus Cristus
Ave Versus Cristus

Ave Satani
Sanguis Bibimus
Corpus Edimus
Tolle Corpus Satani


Jase said...

Which roughly translates as:
Ave Satani = Hail Satan
Ave Versus Cristus = Hail the Antichrist
Corpus Edimus = The flesh we eat
Sanguis Bibimus = The blood we drink
Satani = Satan
Tolle Corpus Satani = Raise the body of Satan

Anonymous said...


How many times have I told you to cut the Devil Crap out when we're trying to organise a BBQ!!!!

Just get the damn food and cook it!!

Oh.. and you posted 6 minutes and 6 seconds too early lol.


Jase said...

Can't do anything about the 6 seconds... however 6 minutes is well within my skills!

Anyway, the BBQ is shaping up nicely. Just need a few Succubi to keep you and Alex entertained!